This web site gives only a brief glimpse at thirty of the more than 500 old southern apples still in existence. Century Farm Orchards currently has over 400 varieties, most of which are listed in the printed catalog and the Library. There is also a spreadsheet comparison of some of the trees. Pay careful attention to ripening period, taste descriptions, and other information about each apple before purchasing. The “ripening period” refers to when the fruit ripens at this orchard’s location in the northwestern piedmont of North Carolina, climate zone 7A. Take note that apple quality is a function of soil quality, tree maintenance, and the taste preferences of the individual.
American Golden Russet
American Summer Pearmain
Arkansas Black
Aunt Rachel
Bevan’s Favorite
Carolina Red June
Esopus Spitzenberg
Father Abraham
Grimes Golden
Hewes Crab
Johnson Keeper
Joseph’s Apple
Keener Seedling
King David
Kinnaird’s Choice
Old Fashioned Limbertwig
Black Limbertwig
Royal Limbertwig
Swiss Limbertwig
Magnum Bonum
Mary Reid
Newtown Pippin
Ralls Janet
Red Rebel
Roxbury Russet
Sops Of Wine
Summer Banana
Terry Winter
Virginia Beauty
William’s Favorite
Old Fashioned Winesap
Stayman Winesap
Virginia Winesap
Yellow June
York Imperial
Ashmead Kernal